Saturday, January 3, 2009

My New Year's Resolutions

1. Get moving. Spend time every day, stretching, moving, exercising, something to get more limber and de-stress. Mark and I have a contest going. First one to not exercise/move (he has to do push ups and sit ups) 5 of 7 days, loses. If he loses, I get a 1 hour massage. If I lose, he hasn't told me what he gets yet. He's still thinking. :-0

2. Spend more time in focused prayer, especially to start my day, asking God to help me see what is important and what is not. And asking for help in letting go of what is not.

3. Looking carefully at my commitments and asking God to help me let loose of things that are crowding out what is really important.

4. Be in the moment. I will capture thoughts that are distracting me from being truly present and hand them over to God for their own time.

5. Turn off the electronics. I'm going to propose one week on, one week off. (I'll let you know how that goes over.) Spend more time playing games and talking.

6. Be more proactive about bugeting and expense tracking. I'm very excited about a new product the bank is releasing this spring that will make this so much easier! I get access early to test it so I've already played with it and I can't wait to really utilize it going forward this year. I really think it will make a huge difference to let us know as we go through the month, not after, how our spending is doing and where we need to reign in.

7. Stop worrying about the future and what I want to be when I grow up. God is plenty big enough to tell me when it's time for something new and in the mean time, I'll be at rest where I am.

8. Practice an attitude of gratitude. I am so blessed. Wonderful family, fabulous friends, great church, Mayberry-like town, good jobs, incredible kids, cozy home, working cars, enough money to pay the bills and still go on vacation, freedom, and a God who blesses abundantly!

9. Stake my claim. I have finally figured out a place in my home for MY OWN DESK. NO BOYS ALLOWED! I will not give an inch.

10. Find time to be still and know that He is God. Not easy to do in my busy life but oh so necessary.

My last challenge went over like a ton of bricks, but I'll try again. Anyone want to share one of their New Year's Resolutions?


Anonymous said...

1.Read through the Bible this year--using the Living Bible translation.
2.mission trip with family
3.more prayer time
4.girls' getaway?

Still thinking...much of my goals are hard to put down because they are more abstract than tasks to do. :D

Jerilyn said...

You will have a great year.